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Your Skin On Matcha

Is your skin craving a detox? Matcha may be just the thing you didn’t know you needed, Catechins are vital antioxidants found in matcha that aid in ridding the body of toxins while protecting the skin from free radicals. Its anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory benefits have been known for years.

The powder is bright green in colour due to the presence of chlorophyll that often helps acne-prone skin. Thanks to the abundant levels of antioxidants aka epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), it helps control excess sebum, calm inflammation, and reduce the appearance of breakouts.

Premature signs of ageing can appear without any prior notice. You can help slow down the pace by adding matcha to your daily routine. Matcha is loaded with essential vitamins such as A, C, E, K, and B complex that help boost collagen and delay visible signs of ageing.

Matcha can also help you gently exfoliate and remove dead skin from your face and neck, giving you a renewed and fresh look, and making it easier for your pores to function properly. It can also help your skin become more firm and plump by shrinking your pores and thereby reducing wrinkling and unwanted oiliness.

The caffeine and tannins in matcha can help reduce puffy eyes and dark circles, giving you a refreshed look, even if you didn’t get a great night of sleep.

You can make your own matcha skin products or you can purchase the beautiful matcha salt scrubs in our store made by Virtueberry ( There are so many ways to create matcha skin care masks, creams and serums, There are masks for specific skin types and conditions, as well as for certain health benefits. However, here is my favorite!

Simple Matcha Mask
This quick and easy matcha mask provides moisturizing and nourishing properties for your skin, cleansing your pores, reducing acne, and revitalizing your skin. I like to use it as a mid-week facial pick-me-up because it’s so simple to make and apply!

Simply mix one teaspoon of Hachi Matcha Bronze to a few drops of water until it has a slightly spreadable texture. To apply, spread the mask over your face using soft, circular movements. Then leave on for up to 15 minutes before wiping off with a wet, warm washcloth.

Sound too good to be true? Try it for yourself. I think that you will like the results. 

Take your moment,

Tiffanie Home

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